I hear you and have been rowing in a similar boat right alongside you! As a fellow white woman coming to terms with her own experience, anger, mid life reckoning, depression and mortality... there is sometimes such a YUCK when I think of all the love and light witches out there who completely bypass all the earthy, rooted haunting of spirituality but who also market and profit from this too. How am I any different from that?! What I’ve landed on so far is that the biggest difference is I. the acknowledgement of white supremacy, colonialism and patriarchy within myself and in this new agey culture. There’s such a difference between patriarchy spirituality and authentic spirituality. There’s differences in each of these energies and how they are communicated. I feel your words land directly in the authentic spirituality category. I can see how you are gently challenging your own beliefs, even if they feel true and have been true for ages. So grateful to be on this discovery journey with you. ❤️

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Mmm, I love the phrase "earthy, rooted haunting"! That is definitely more my jam than the love-and-light variety of spirituality... yet I still find myself getting drawn in to it sometimes. Authentic spirituality is certainly the goal, so I'm glad that came through in the post. But as you say, it's a discovery journey. Disentangling my psyche from white supremacy, patriarchy, colonialism, etc. is ongoing work, but it has been an important guiding light as I stumble along on my path. Thank you for reading, I'm glad you are on the journey with me 💖

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